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Faculty of Health Sciences/
Graduate School of Health Sciences/
Department of Health Sciences,
School of Medicine,
Hokkaido University

Fundamental Nursing Department

The faculties of Fundamental Nursing belong to three groups (① Basic Nursing Science, ② Adult Nursing Science, ③ Gerontological Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing).
In Basic Nursing Science faculties teach professional observation methods and basic nursing skills for daily life support that respects values of people of various health levels. Also, in order to respond to recent changes in health care, faculties teach the basics of efficient and effective nursing management.
In Adult Nursing Science faculties provide simulation-based learning utilizing simulators and simulated patients to promote understanding of acute and chronic disease states and health problems.
In Gerontological Nursing, faculties emphasize thinking about nursing care based on the strengths of elderly people according to health level. In Psychiatric Nursing, faculties utilize internet phones and other education methods to think about nursing care carefully for people with mental illness living in the community.
In the department of Fundamental Nursing, faculties are working on research to explore evidence for the purpose of providing high quality nursing care. Also, we collaborate with university hospital staff to develop and verify training programs that enable nurses to seamlessly develop career from basic nursing education. In addition, we are promoting research to support health management of people who have disease and illness with their families based on pathological studies through interdisciplinary collaboration.




Michiko YUKI / Rika YANO / Naomi SUMI

Associate Professor


Assistant Professor

Inaho SHISHIDO / Nozomi DETSUKA / Hironori OHINATA / Mai YOSHIMURA / Kae YASUDA (Specially Appointed)

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